关于「 Johnson」的内容列表

House Speaker Johnson: Republicans will find funding sources to cover Trump's tax cuts

Johnson, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, has said that Republicans will find funding sources to cover Trump's tax cuts.

2025-02-10 01:30:41
Morning News List of important developments overnight on January 4

21:00-7:00 Keywords: Base, Korea, Mike Johnson, MicroStrategy 1. Bitcoin hash rate hits a record high. 2. Based on considering the launch of tokenized COIN shares; 3. The United States accounts for more than 40% of the global Bitcoin hash rate. 4. Chairperson of the Korean Exchange: Interested in launching a cryptocurrency ETF in 2025. 5. Crypto-friendly Mike Johnson was successfully re-elected as Speaker of the US House of Representatives. The FTX debtor restructuring plan has come into effect,...

2025-01-04 07:56:42

21:00-7:00关键词:Base、韩国、Mike Johnson、MicroStrategy 1.比特币哈希率创历史新高; 2.Base考虑推出代币化COIN股票; 3.美国占全球比特币哈希率的40%以上; 4.韩国交易所主席:有兴趣在2025年推出加密货币ETF; 5.对加密友好的Mike Johnson成功连任美国众议院议长; 6.FTX债务人重组计划已生效,首批客户将在60天内获得退款; 7.美联储巴尔金:2025年的基本前景积极,增长...

2025-01-04 07:56:42
Johnson failed to receive enough votes in the first round of voting to win the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker election

According to market news, Johnson failed to win enough votes in the first round of voting to win the US House of Representatives Speaker election, and will proceed to the second round of voting.

2025-01-04 02:54:55
Mike Johnson: Believe he can be re-elected as US House Speaker after one round of voting

In an appearance on Fox Business, Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson said he believes he can be re-elected House speaker after a vote on Friday.

2025-01-03 06:19:34
Mike Johnson:相信自己经过一轮投票即可连任美国众议长

路易斯安那州共和党人迈克·约翰逊(Mike Johnson)在Fox Business露面时表示,他相信自己在周五经过一轮投票即可连任众议院议长。

2025-01-03 06:19:34
Speaker of the US House of Representatives: Trump is now our "president-elect"

Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives: Trump is now our "president-elect". (Kim Ten)

2024-11-06 15:24:33
US House Speaker Johnson: Trump is now our "president-elect"

Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives: Trump is now our "president-elect". (Jin Ten)

2024-11-06 15:18:30
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ. N) 2024 Q3 revenue of $22.471 billion, the market expectations of $22.16 billion, the same period last year $21.351 billion.

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ. N) 2024 Q3 revenue of $22.471 billion, the market expectations of $22.16 billion, the same period last year $21.351 billion.

2024-10-15 18:21:47
Former US official: Durov used to have a good relationship with the French president and was arrested on charges of fabricating political events

"Telegram is one of the few channels that actually allows information critical of western policy to continue to spread," said Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst, according to Sputnik. "I think that's really the root of the problem." The analyst called the allegations against Durov a "trumped-up political case", suggesting they were aimed at intimidating the tech entrepreneur. "There was a time when he was seen as friendly with French President Macron," Johnson added. "But this is clearly...

2024-08-25 09:30:30
Franklin Templeton CEO: Traditional Finance Underestimated the Huge Scale of Bitcoin

August 22nd news, Franklin Templeton CEO Jenny Johnson said at the Wyoming Blockchain Symposium in Jackson Hole that 30% of her daily work is spent researching disruptive technologies, because her main focus is on positioning companies for the next generation, including digital assets, which Johnson believes is one of the two obvious trends she doesn't want to miss (the other being artificial intelligence). "What's crazy to me is that in the traditional financial world...

2024-08-22 13:25:13
Franklin Templeton CEO:传统金融低估了比特币的巨大规模

8月22日消息,Franklin Templeton首席执行官Jenny Johnson在杰克逊霍尔举行的怀俄明州区块链研讨会上表示,她30%的日常工作都花在研究颠覆性技术上,因为她的主要关注点是为下一代定位公司,其中包括数字资产,Johnson认为这是她不想错过的两大明显趋势之一(另一个是人工智能)。“对我来说疯狂的是,在传统金融领...

2024-08-22 13:25:13
Franklin Templeton CEO Criticizes Traditional Finance for Undervaluing Bitcoin

Jenny Johnson, CEO of Franklin Templeton, criticized traditional finance at the Wyoming Blockchain Symposium for underestimating the size of Bitcoin. She pointed out that in 2023 Bitcoin processed more than $36.60 trillion in transactions, which is twice the amount of Mastercard and Visa combined. Johnson believes that the traditional financial sector knows almost nothing about Bitcoin and its huge transaction volume. Johnson said that she spends 30% of her day researching disruptive technologie...

2024-08-22 05:37:02

富兰克林邓普顿的CEO Jenny Johnson在Wyoming Blockchain Symposium上批评传统金融低估了比特币的规模。她指出,2023年比特币处理了超过36.6万亿美元的交易,这一金额是Mastercard和Visa总和的两倍。Johnson认为,传统金融领域对比特币及其庞大的交易量几乎一无所知。 Johnson表示,她每天有30%的时间花在研究颠覆性技术上,特别...

2024-08-22 05:37:02
House Speaker calls on Biden to resign "immediately"

After Biden announced his withdrawal, Johnson, the Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives, called on Biden to resign "immediately". "If Biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president," Johnson said in a statement. "He must resign from the presidency immediately." Johnson said that more than 14 million Americans chose Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate, but the party that calls itself the "Democratic Party" has declared...

2024-07-22 10:48:54